Christmas wishes

My un-ending thanks must go and indeed do go to Kevin, Toni and Matt, plus the M3 series of cats. Giving me not only shelter but also companionship and friendship, when what I needed most of all was those two things.
For being sounding boards as I sought to work out what had happened and, what was about to happen.
For all of that and so much more, I will be eternally grateful.

May you be blessed with all the joys a festive season can bring, at your Scotland retreat.

And now an equally humbling thanks is extended to Rob and Gill, who likewise, have thrown open their house and offered their unquestioning friendship, back here in the UK.

It’s been a common theme throughout the Three Teas Tour, that when I’ve needed help, people, sometimes complete strangers, have stepped up and offered. Generosity beyond expectation and in expectation of nothing in return.
I have been fortunate to meet these people. Obviously I have and what follows is in no way a lessening of the gratitude I feel for those I encountered, however, and this is in part the theme of Three Teas, the fear that you will somehow be stranded in a remote place, without any help, is a fear born out of ignorance. Ignorance of the fact that people are essentially friendly, helpful, generous and will be there for you. For while I believe those who have helped me are special, exceptional, those of you who may ever find yourselves in even remotely similar situations, will find your own exceptional people too.

Who knows?

All I can tell you is, that last night was the first where my dreams didn’t include her in some disturbing way. I put it down to having my subconscious being overwhelmed by indigestion. I’d forgotten what eating pickled onions and stilton late at night could do to you. But in order to avoid the dreams I’ve been having, it looks like that will be supper again this evening. By far the lesser of two evils.

As I will be running around trying to re establish my banking, social security, national insurance, personal insurances, transport and everything else that was let go when Karen and I moved to the States, my time will be limited, so may I express my heartfelt thanks to all who have wished me well and whose paths I’ve crossed, both for the Three Teas Tour and with the subsequent fall out from that trip. Have the most splendid of times this Christmas and beyond.

I hope our paths cross again, you’ve all changed my life in someway.

If I may bestow upon you one wish, it’s that ignorance is removed from your lives and the fear that goes with it is gone too.

Remind me to tell you all about the “chikin” man and the Austrian.