A weekend in Africa, Asia and Australia

I've been everywhere. HD all countries on the planet
I've been everywhere. HD all countries on the planet

It takes some careful consideration to be outlandish in an environment where outlandish and overlandish is the norm. Where squirrel is skinned and gutted then devoured as a display. Where lash ups, bolt ons and frankly, stuck on and hopes, are gathered.

But still some tried at the Horizons Unlimited meet up. Unfortunately the need to have to try, set those who didn’t need to try apart and only highlighted what a pillock you were for needing to stand out.

The same could be said about the scars of travel. Seems the more, the greater and the more damaging  the scarring, the less interesting I found the people were. After all aren’t they just bragging that they got something wrong?

Fortunately these folk were few and far between, it’s just they were the loudest and most obvious and alcohol only increased their volume.

One bloke kept blathering on about how a Garmin tracking your speed at certain points, was a weapon that authorities could use against him..okay so you go fast and take risks you little go faster risk taking guy you, the choice is, don’t, or don’t use a garmin zumo, being oh so out there and dangerous and going on and on and on about it, doesn’t make you look any better, even arriving on your Ducati 99 something-or-other, just added to the impression that you needed to be seen, more than we wanted to see, or hear you.

Anyway, some interesting talks were held in the three rooms, Asia, Africa and Australia, including one by Johann, a swedish guy who was riding in S.America and had developed www.gaiafix.com Take a look if you have a trip planned.

Dan Walsh was there and we had a chat, we even had a couple of acquaintances in common, Stefan Bartlett your ears should have been burning. Yes I remember you as an objectionable little scooter monkey at the Cannock Advertiser, covering WI jam competitions and trying forlornly to build them up into something more than they were, just for your own credibility, and dismissing motorbikes out of hand…see I’m not sure how it worked out that you now…oh never mind, it’s your own conscience that you have to live with.

Then there was Gus Scott…we both thought fondly of this guy…sad loss.

Ted Simon signed a Jupiter’s Travels for me and I believe now has a Three Teas sticker on his bike.

Sam Manicom was there too with his reworking of the reworking of the book about his original trip. But bald blokes with pony tails bother me, so I avoided him. Manic Nick Saunders showed up and was…manic and the bloke from Terra Circa was wearing his most obvious ‘marketing attire’ of white racing overalls and tweed jacket…less said about that the better.

Once again I managed to set up tent next to the snorer, but on my other side were my real heroes of this trip. A couple who were sharing a small tent, had a couple of 650s and were setting off on a ride to India. No hulla baloo, no matching promo T shirts or any of the trappings, just a couple who were unceremoniously about to undertake an epic journey of discovery. I truly wish them well.